An appraisal report is a third-party neutral statement of an artwork’s value and is considered legally binding. Adopted by the United-States Congress in 1989, The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) is the generally recognized ethical and performance standards for the appraisal profession. It is the only appraisal standards recognized by international organizations globally including the European Union and the United Kingdom. In the United States, such a report may be subject to legal supervision by the local jurisdiction in which it is issued.
Appraisals can be prepared for attorneys, financial advisors, auditors, insurance companies, museums, and private and corporate collectors All appraisals are prepared in accordance with the current USPAP and fiscal regulations.
Carmen Herrera, Estructuras, Courtesy of Lisson Gallery.
Retail replacement value appraisals for art collectors, brokers, and insurance companies.
Damage and loss appraisals to determine whether a damaged artwork merits conservation, restoration, or sale, and assist in settling claims and disputes.
Fair market value appraisals for estate planning and settlement; to facilitate decision-making as it pertains to the equitable division of an art collection among heirs and beneficiaries.
Fair market value appraisals of artworks estimated above $5,000.00 earmarked for donation to non-profit 501(c)3 cultural institutions. These reports contain specific information including documentation of the appropriateness of the donation, thereby substantiating the tax deduction.
Evaluations to make informed decisions for the purposes of collection management and potential resale.
A Fair market value appraisals appraisal provides an independent, unbiased and objective evaluation of the value of the business that is needed in order to determine the selling price or to assess the possible effects of a proposed transaction.
Muriel is a certified member of the Appraisers Association of America in Post-war, Contemporary and Emerging Art.